MY birthday month books

Wives of war by Soraya M. Lane

(from goodreads) : London, 1944. Two young nurses meet at a train station with a common purpose: to join the war effort. Scarlet longs for the chance to find her missing fiance, Thomas, and to prove to her family- and to herself- that she’s stronger than everyone thinks. Nursing is in Ellie’s blood, but her humble background is vastly different from Scarlet’s privileged upbringing. Though Ellie puts on a brave face, she’s just as nervous as Scarlet about what awaits them in France.

In Normandy, the two friends soon encounter the seemingly unflappable Lucy. Scarlet and Ellie are in awe of her courage and competence, but the experienced nurse is well aware of the dangers of the job they’ve chosen- and even she is terrified they won’t make it home alive.

Pushed to their limits by the brutality of a world at war, Scarlet, Ellie, and Lucy will need to rely on each other- and the power of their friendship- to survive.

Wives of War is an epic story of Friendship, survival and resilience. The author quickly sucks you in with the story of Ellie and Scarlet. I felt so much pain and happiness with this book. I cheered them on during the good times and cried during the hard times. Lane knows how to write a book that tugs at your heartstrings.

I have never been much of a historical fiction type of reader, but after reading The Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo, I decided to dive into this genre of books. If you have not yet gave this book a try, I suggest you pick it up.

This is a Historical Fiction or a historical romance book so not all facts are going to be completely accurate. Please remember this if you decide to read this book. I have seen so many one and two star reviews on goodreads because people want every single fact and statement to be spot on. But its fiction so it’s not going to be.

And the cover is excellent. I was always told not to judge a book by its cover but its hard to not. Any book reader is going to tell you honestly they pick up a book and the cover makes you feel some type of way. This cover is stunning and drew me in immediately.

Overall Wives of War is a fantastic read that deserves all the praise. The characters are written very well and as I said before the author writes in a way that makes you feel every emotion for these characters. The scenes are so real and come to life in the readers head. And there are twist that you will not see coming. 4/5 stars.

The unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

Olive seems to have the worst luck. Like lose you job, your boyfriend and your best friend all in one day bad luck. Her twin sister Ami is the complete opposite. She is so lucky. She is on the verge of getting married and most of her wedding is being put on by things Ami won online. (including the honeymoon). Olive has to spend the whole wedding as her sisters Maid of Honor, right along side her enemy Ethan. (who also happens to be her soon to be brother in laws brother). But when the whole wedding party comes down sick from the seafood at the wedding, Ami begs Olive to take her free honeymoon posing as her twin sister. Putting their mutual hatred aside for an all expenses paid honeymoon in Hawaii, Olive and Ethan head to paradise. Determined to avoid each other at all cost until Olive runs into her future boss and the little lie that she told becomes a lot bigger. She and Ethan now have to pretend to be loving newlyweds. But the weird thing is, she doesn’t mind pretending..

Oh my goodness! I loved this book. This was my second Christina Lauren book and I’ve heard so many great things about it. When I saw it on the shelf in my local library, I figured I would give it a try. I felt like I could connect with the characters and the adventures they were on. The humor was great as well. I loved Olivia and Ethan. Their love hate relationship in the beginning was fantastic and had me laughing the whole time. And it reminds you not to always trust what other people say. I love that Olive was so family oriented.

I would highly recommend this book. 4/5 stars.

The moment of truth by Shari Low

Laney, millie and Tash own a business doing wedding proposals. They are in the business to make people happy. But when Cara walks into their office saying she wants to propose to her boyfriend, things take a turn. Cara’s boyfriend happens to be Laney’s husband. But could it be the same man? We’re about to find out.

This was a new author for me and I absolutely love her! Her story was cute. It had me on the edge of my seat trying to see if Cam was a lying, cheating dirtbag. Which spoiler alert, he was. But I could not put this book down. I had to know if he did it or not. I loved how Laney, millie, and Tash had each others back no matter what. And i don’t know how Laney managed to keep it together after she found out that he was cheating on her. I wanted her to throw things and yell at him; maybe throw things at him. But she didn’t. I admire her patience in not wanting to kill him. But honestly in the end she got the best revenge.

3/5 stars would recommend. Perfect quick read.

I found you by Lisa Jewell

So we have three different story lines going on. At first it’s a bit confusing but about a hundred pages in, I’m intrigued. I cant put the book down. We have the story of Alice & the mystery man she invited into her home. The man she found on the beach who doesn’t remember anything. Story line two is lily who’s husband has gone missing and she has no idea where he’s gone. And then story line three is 23 years earlier, the story of Grey & his sister kirsty & the mysterious Mark…

5/5 would recommend

Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult

Vanishing Acts follows Delia Hopkins, father Andrew, daughter Sophia, fiance and best friend. Delia grew up in New Hampshire, raised by her widowed father. One day after a policeman knocks on her door and hauls her Dad off for kidnapping charges, her world comes crashing down. In shock and confusion, Delia must sift through the truth.

This was my second Jodi Picoult book. The first one I loved! But this one, well…. I had to push through all 400 pages of this book to finish it. It was very uneven, uneventful, and just blah. There was no depth to the characters and situations unrealistic. In one part towards the end of the book, Delia’s fiance catches her kissing her best friend. (All three of them have grown up together and always been friends.) So her fiance tells the other guy, “If shes going to leave me for someone else, I’d rather it be you.” NO! like no. Who does that? Literally no one. No dude is going to catch one of his guy friends kissing his soon to be wife and just be like nahh dude it’s ok. No big deal.

This book had a lot of “Fluff” or extras that weren’t needed and a lot of BS writing just to keep the book going. Words just to draw out the book. Looking through reviews on this book and it seems that my opinion is right with 90% of the other reviewers.

2/5 stars would not recommend. Don’t waste your time. I wish I hadn’t.

Home front by Kristin Hannah

(From goodreads): Like many couples, Michael and Jolene Zarkades have to face the pressures of everyday life- children, careers, bills, chores- Even as their twelve year marriage is falling apart. Then a deployment sends Jolene deep into harm’s way and leaves defense attorney Michael at home, unaccustomed to being a single parent to their two girls. As a mother, it agonizes Jolene to leave her family, but as a solider, she has always understood the true meaning of duty. In her letters home, she paints a rose colored version of her life on the front lines, shielding her family from the truth. But war will change Jolene in ways that none of them could have foreseen. When tragedy strikes, Michael must face his darkest fear and fight a battle of his own– for everything that matters to his family.

Thoughts at page 86: I love Kristin Hannah and her books always make me cry. I already know this one is going to make me cry. Not even a hundred pages in and its already tugging at my heartstrings. Michael is already pissing me off. And Thank you Kristin Hannah for putting the woman as the one who is going off to war and leaving Dad home with the kids. Show people that women do this too! Most stories that revolve around military have the man in the military and the woman staying home.

Thoughts after I finished the book: HOLY CRAP this book deserves all the stars. I’m at a loss for words. I knew, that because this was a Kristin Hannah book, that it would hit me in the feels one way or another. But this book hit me in the feels, backed up and hit me a few more times.

I Loved that Kristin Hannah flipped this story around. Usually military books are about the father or the man of the house being in the military. However this is the first book I’ve read that the woman was in the military and ended up deploying. I appreciate the time and effort KH put into what really goes on in a military family and the struggles not only the person in the military goes through but also their family. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it on here but my husband is prior military. So some of the things such as When Jo tried to get an appointment with VA and they told her the next available appointment was 2 months away…yeah thats pretty accurate.

This book put me through so many feels. I was angry and sad, frustrated, heartbroken and then happy and then heartbroken again. My heart broke for Tami’s family. I’ve never had a book make me physically cry til now. Home front broke me. I hated the way Jo’s daughter treated her and her husband’s attitude at the beginning. Home front opens up the true sacrifices our military makes every day. The sacrifices their families make and what its like for them when they come back home. I cannot reccommend this book enough! Home front will forever be one of my favorites.

5/5 stars. (but it deserves all the stars)


28 yrs old. 2 littles. Wine and books. Texas country. #godblesstexas.

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